Root. Nourish. Rise.

A Writing and Yoga Retreat

January 24-26

Episcopal House of Prayer
St. Joseph, MN

In the depth of winter, give yourself the gift of time to wander, think, read, write, rest, move, nourish, and connect. Embrace words and silence. Engage with and create art on the page. Eat and create beauty. Show your body self-compassion through gentle movement. Dwell in the spaciousness of nature.

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  • 8 min Guided Meditation

    8 min Guided Meditation

    Ellie reads from Tara Brach's book Radical Acceptance. When we can pause and become conscious of how we see ourselves as unworthy, those lies lose some of their power over our lives.

  • 60 min Yin using the Wall

    60 min Yin using the Wall

    Today we will use the wall as one of our props for a few of the shapes. So turn the lights down. Get cozy, and bring your props over to a wall in your house to settle in and explore the yin side of your being.

  • Easy Flow

    Easy Flow

    This breath focused-flow moves easily between two shapes on your time, waking up your body and inviting in a sense of spaciousness for your day.

  • 40 min FLOW

    40 min FLOW

    This flow is designed to bring a sense of spaciousness ease to our bodies and minds. Move with your breath and explore how your body is feeling today.

  • 60 min Power Flow (Advanced)

    60 min Power Flow (Advanced)

    This Baptiste Journey into Power sequence is a combination of vinyasa flow, balances, and holds. The practice includes core work and several high to low push ups. It is a great balance of strength and flexibility. Please take modifications as needed.

  • 40 min Grounding Slow Flow

    40 min Grounding Slow Flow

    Be where your feet are. Ground down like earth.

  • 53 min Flow (Advanced)

    53 min Flow (Advanced)

    This alignment and breath based flow builds fire and opening through the hips. There is a core section, balances and opening postures as well.

  • 40 min Shoulder Opener Flow

    40 min Shoulder Opener Flow

    Grab a strap or a towel. Let's give our shoulders some attention.

  • 15 min Functional Yoga

    15 min Functional Yoga

    Grab a block and strap for six exercises to support posture, strength, length and alignment.

  • 20 min Downward Dog Flow
  • 23 min Flow

    23 min Flow

    Move your body, flowing, inviting in a sense of water, bringing a little dance to your sequence. We will move our way through a vinyasa flow, a few balances, a little core, and some opening on our way to stillness, where the practice can settle in.

  • 25 min Flow with Core
  • 45 min Yin

    45 min Yin

    Yin is a cooling and grounding practice that places attention on the connective tissue, holding poses for longer with the support of props and the floor. Come down off your day and bring as sense of ease to your body and being.

  • 60 min Yin

    60 min Yin

    This 6o min yin practice brings a sense of grounding and equanimity. We will get close to the earth and turn toward our bodies with curiosity and reverence. Bring a sense of stillness and spaciousness to your day. Relax and keep relaxing. Allow your body to feel what it feels.

  • 45 min Restorative for Hips

    45 min Restorative for Hips

    Especially if you sit for work, this class is so supportive you you maintaining ease and range of motion in your hips. Take breaks during your work day, schedule walking meetings when you can, and practice this restorative hip class to build supple strength that transforms rigidity into flexibility.

  • 60 min Yin - Unfolding

    60 min Yin - Unfolding

    Put on your comfies. Grab your props. Turn down the lights. Let's get grounded. When the pushing and pulling cease, then the expansion and extension is possible. Let's unfold together.

  • 60 min Yin - Surrender

    60 min Yin - Surrender

    Practice stillness, surrender, and letting go. Do less to be more. Turn toward the darker, cooler, lunar side for grounding, renewal and balance.